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9 am
Mirror, Mirror: The Prints of Alison Saar
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

American artist Alison Saar is known not only for her powerful sculptures—she is also a master of the art of printmaking.

10 am
WSU Pullman - Online

Hey Global Cougs! Do you want to study abroad? Do you want to gain 21st century job skills and international work experience? Are you interested in learning more? Join us at CougsAbroadCon!

11:10 am
VoiceThread Basics
WSU Everett

The Learning Innovations team invites you to join them for a training. VoiceThread is a tool used to engage students in meaningful conversations around media. Learn the basic features including how to create, comment, collaborate, and share with your class.

12 pm
American inequality
WSU Pullman - Online

In this Foley Distinguished Lecture, Nobel Prize winning Professor Sir Angus Deaton will be covering his most recent work Deaths of Dispair and the Future of Capitalism, published by Princeton University Press in 2020.

1 pm
Black Lives Matter Artist Grant Exhibition
Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

The Black Lives Matter Artist Grant Exhibition celebrates and showcases twenty Washington artists who are using their voices, experiences, and artistic expression toward social justice efforts in response to the Black Lives Matter movement and systemic racism.