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12 pm
ASM Hiring Event: field engineering opportunities in the US
Careers / Jobs
WSU Pullman - Online

Are you an upcoming graduating engineering student, or an experienced technician looking for a rewarding career? Join us for an exclusive virtual hiring event on August 31st and discover the exciting world of semiconductor technology.

1 pm
Lanning Distinguished Lecture on ‘Smart Healthcare’ by Dr. Niraj Jha, Princeton University NJ
WSU Pullman - Engineering Teaching Research Laboratory (ETRL)

The Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture is pleased to present The 2023 Lanning Distinguished Lecture titled “Smart Healthcare” by Prof. Niraj Jha, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Princeton University, NJ, on Thursday, August 31, 2023, at 1 pm in ETRL 101. All are welcome. Please see details in the attached poster.

1 pm
SAS-Analytics Resume Review
Careers / Jobs
WSU Pullman - Online

Overview of the key tips for building a strong resume for internships and provides guidance on how to build your best possible job application! The host will provide tips from a recruiter’s perspective about your resume and thoughts on cover letters.

8:15 pm
WSU Spokane Movie Night
WSU Spokane - WSU Spokane

Come join us for an outdoor movie night! On the WSU Spokane campus lawn. Everyone is welcome to bring friends and family!