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12 pm
The Foley Institute: The next Congress
WSU Pullman - Bryan Hall

Join James Curry, professor of political science at the University of Utah, to discuss the upcoming 119th Congress and how the current situation in Congress prevents parties from enacting their agendas.

1 pm
ESIC FA24 Seminar Series: IEEE Guide for Distribution Grid Resilience Metric by Dr. Shikhar Pandey, ComEd
WSU Pullman - Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Building

This talk will introduce a comprehensive resiliency metric framework, designed to evaluate the grid’s performance in adverse weather conditions. The metrics fall under two categories: System Performance, which assesses the grid’s ability to endure extreme events, and Operational Performance, measuring its recovery capacity. Through this framework, we can better understand, measure, and enhance the resilience of our electric distribution grid.

4 pm
U.S. Navy Civilian Career Opportunities
Careers / Jobs
WSU Pullman - Spark

Join NAVAIR/NAVSEA and NUWC Keyport to learn about Navy Civilian Career Opportunities for CptS, Cyber, ME/MSE, EE, MIS, and business majors.