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4:30 pm
Internship Search Webinar
WSU Global Campus - Online

Getting your degree is a huge boost to your resume, but also having an internship is even better! Get prepared to navigate the internship search process by joining us for this engaging webinar featuring Career Advisor Chris Miller. Hosted by the First Gen Club!

11:10 pm
School of Molecular Biosciences Graduate Student Seminars
Workshop / Seminar
Online - Biotechnology Life Sciences

“Development of an In Vivo Break Double-Strand Break Repair System in the Hyperthermophilic Acidophile Saccharolobus solfataricus to Elucidate DNA Damage Repair in Archaea,” presented by Brianne Jones. Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Haseltine.
“Investigating the Influences of Mitochondrial Stress and Lipids on DGLA-Induced Ferroptosis in C. elegans,” presented by Jimena Ruiz. Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Watts.