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10 am
2024 Smerdon/Reeves Lecture
WSU Pullman - Biotechnology Life Sciences

Come hear exciting developments in the areas of DNA repair, chromatin, and biomedical research.

1 pm
“Tocada Informal” A Concert of Mariachi Music
WSU Pullman - Kimbrough Music Building

WSU’s own RSO Mariachi Leones del Monte will host students from 5 high schools in a day of campus tours and workshops. There will be a performance, open to the public, in Kimbrough Concert Hall at 1pm.

Sponsored by the RSO Mariachi Leones del Monte

3:30 pm
Advances in Immunology and Microbiology Seminar Series: Manish Chauhan
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Bustad Hall

“STING dependent BAX-IRF3 signaling results in apoptosis during late-stage Coxiella burnetii infection,” presented by Manish Chauhan, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Goodman Lab, School of Molecular Biosciences. Host: Arden Baylink, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology

4:30 pm
Saudade: Pop-Up Art Exhibition
WSU Pullman - Fine Arts Building

Saudade: a pop-up exhibition featuring new works by artists enrolled in the Spring 2024 Art 498 capstone course

4:30 pm
Politics and the Trickster
WSU Pullman - Bryan Hall

The Trickster is popularly portrayed as a being who animates and enlivens humanity’s oldest stories. How can the Trickster character be applied to our politics today?

7:30 pm
Choir Concert
WSU Pullman - Bryan Hall


Celebrate spring in the Palouse with the WSU Choral Ensembles for their spring concert “Feel the Passing Time.” Performing ensembles include the WSU Chamber Singers, University Singers, Treble Choir, and Concert Choir. All WSU choral ensembles will combine for a performance of John Corgliano’s Fern Hill with WSU…