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1 pm
ASWSUG Coug Chat: Business Degree Meet & Greet!
Careers / Jobs
WSU Global Campus - Online

Are you a business major? Join ASWSUG for a meet-and-greet to network and connect with other Global Carson College Business students! Only S&A fee-paying global students will be eligible for any giveaways during the event.

4:10 pm
Department of Chemistry Seminar – Dr. Mario Wriedt
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Fulmer Hall

From the University of Texas at Dallas, Dr. Mario Wriedt will be presenting on Crystal Engineering of Programmable Sponges for Energy, Environmental and Medicinal Applications.

5:15 pm
“The Meaning Revolution” w/ Fred Kofman, PhD
WSU Global Campus - Online

Engineering and Technology Management invites you to a special guest presentation featuring Fred Kofman, PhD, a distinguished expert in leadership and organizational effectiveness. This lecture on “The Meaning Revolution” will be presented as part of the E_M 526 Constraints Management class, and we are opening the Zoom session to the broader academic and professional community. We hope you will join us for this live virtual event.