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8 am
Cougar Football Fridays at the BVC
Athletics / Sports
WSU Pullman - Brelsford WSU Visitor Center

Calling all Coug fans – start your football weekends on Friday with the Brelsford WSU Visitor Center!

5 pm
ASWSUG Splash Into Watercolors
Recreational / Games
WSU Global Campus - Online

Have you ever wanted to try out watercoloring, but aren’t sure where to start? Join us to learn the basics by making simple watercolor flowers and exploring how to make the most of your color palette. The first five S&A fee paying students who sign up by August 23rd will receive free watercoloring kits, including the watercolor paint, paintbrushes, and paper!

7 pm
Planetarium Show: Forward to the Moon
WSU Pullman - Sloan Hall

A tour of September night skies followed by a full dome video presentation. Forward to the Moon lays out NASA’s plan for manned missions to the moon: the Artemis program.