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Conference / Symposium

Amplifying Voices: Students Role in Advocating for Health Equity

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About the event

Virtual NASPA Session 2024

Alexis Washington, Assistant Director, Health Promotion

Achieving health equity at a college campus requires a collective effort, and students’ voices should be heard during this movement. This presentation will discuss the formation of a student organization, “Student Advocates for Well-being”. In this session, presenters will explore how this group of students raised awareness, held focus groups, and are writing a White Paper to address these student concerns. Students have unique perspectives, energy, and potential to create meaningful campus change. Therefore, their voices should be heard.

Learning Outcomes:
Recognize students’ role in advocating for campus health equity.
Discuss the ethics of AI and appropriate usage and will be able to facilitate these discussions with their students.
Understand and add to the opportunities for innovation that AI can provide in student career education through interactive discussion and pair-and-share activities.

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