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Art exhibit: ‘Sculpting in Virtual Space’

About the event

New sculptures by WSU Fine Arts students mix with miniature versions of iconic artworks in a free, public exhibit in Gallery 2 of the Fine Arts Building at WSU Pullman.

The show “Sculpting in Virtual Space: Experiments in Teaching” was extended through Friday, Feb. 2, to allow more people to see the diverse 3-dimensional prints created by students and fine arts faculty members Hallie Meredith, art historian and clinical assistant professor, and Jamin Kuhn, instructor of fine arts digital media.

The exhibit features 3D prints of sculptures from antiquity that Meredith utilizes in her classes. It also features works created by Kuhn while teaching students the processes involved in 3D printing and several prints the students created while learning.

“The series of prints of ancient sculptures provide innovative and effective tools for teaching art history while also bringing versions of ancient art to WSU for many people to see,” Meredith said.