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Conference / Symposium

Canceled: Veterans Helping Veterans: Strategies for Enhancing Student Veterans Sense of Belonging in Colleges and Universities

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About the event

This event is canceled as the recording is not available. You can view the slides here: Student Veterans Presentation

Tara Hornor, Professor and Coordinator of Higher Education Leadership Programs
The Citadel

The presenter will share research findings from a study examining student veterans’ sense of belonging within higher education institutions, the factors influencing their feelings of belonging, and strategies higher education institutions can utilize to enhance student veterans’ sense of belonging on campus. The presenter will share specific approaches for increasing student veterans’ sense of belonging, including institutional acknowledgment and inclusion techniques, veteran peer support, and faculty engagement strategies.

Learning Outcomes
Describe student veterans’ sense of belonging in colleges and universities.
Describe the factors that influence student veterans’ feelings of belonging.
Describe specific tools and strategies colleges and universities can use to enhance student veterans’ sense of belonging on campus.

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Student Affairs