Choral Concert + LIVESTREAM
About the event
The WSU Treble Choir will be performing repertoire that focuses on social injustice, from Pablo Casal’s Nigra sum (ancient biblical text) to Jake Runestad’s Rise Up, citing quotes from Susan B. Anthony’s speeches in the late 1800s.
WSU Tenor/Bass Choir, directed by Dr. Dean Luethi, will perform a range of repertoire from Irish folk song (The Dying Rebel) to musical theater repertoire (Fugue for Tinhorns) to doo-wop (In the Still of the Night).
WSU Madrigal Singers, directed by Lori Wiest, will perform selections by French composers, from the Renaissance to the Modern eras, including Arcadelt, Certon, Debussy, Poulenc, and Duruflé, featuring chansons, folksongs, and songs of love and praise.
Concert Choir, conducted by Lori Wiest and Graduate Student Joseph To, will present Songs for the Soul, including “Beautiful Morning,” “I Sing Because I’m Happy”, and a new composition, Spring”, by voice major Thanapol Saenjak.
Livestream available on YouTube at WSU Pullman Music.
This concert is open to the public and without charge.