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Colloquium: Physics & Astronomy – Dr. Sukanta Bose

About the event

The Department of Physics and Astronomy invites all to a colloquium featuring Dr. Sukanta Bose, Physics & Astronomy and Washington State University. Dr. Bose will present his talk, “What have we learned from LIGO in the past two years? ”, Tuesday, February 6, 2018 at 4:10 p.m. in Webster 17.

Meet for refreshments before the lecture at 3:45 – 4:10 p.m. in the foyer on floor G above the lecture hall.

Whenever new ways have been devised to explore the cosmos, new surprises have sprung up. In this talk I will show how LIGO observations are no different. How are LIGO black holes at variance from those known for decades? What is strange about the neutron star collision that was observed in August?

I will also describe programs that have been launched by my collaborators and me to tap into the new science that LIGO and Virgo will offer in the coming years. They will unravel, at the very large scales, the nature of our Universe’s expansion and, at the very small scales, the interaction of nucleons at high densities.