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Disability and Intersectionality Book Club, Care Work Part 2


About the event

Care Work:

by: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha

Chapters 7-10

In their new collection of essays, Lambda Literary Award-winning writer and disability justice activist Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha explores the politics and realities of disability justice, a movement that centers the lives and leadership of sick and disabled queer, trans, Black, and brown people, with knowledge and gifts for all. Care Work is a mapping of access as radical love, a celebration of the work that sick and disabled queer/people of color are doing to find each other and to build power and community, and a toolkit for everyone who wants to build radically resilient communities of liberation where no one is left behind. Powerful and passionate, Care Work is a crucial and necessary call to arms.


