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Conference / Symposium

From Practice Back to Theory: Integrating Established Models into Student Well-being Work

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About the event

Virtual NASPA Session 2024

Jennifer Jacobsen, Executive Director of Health & Wellness

Health Promotion and Health Behavior theories and models can be accessible, concrete, and sometimes fun (Seriously!) This session will invite participants to learn some of the “greatest hits” of Health Promotion and Health Behavior theories to help fill the existing evidence-based practice gaps in student well-being work on their campus. Participants will have the opportunity to generate ideas for how to connect these theories to existing practice, identify potential harms and hazards, and consider how to center students who have traditionally been decentered in this work. Participants will be invited to co-create learning with each theory shared; this session seeks to enhance participants’ curiosity about one or more models to learn more. References will be shared with participants so they can take a deeper dive at the level at which they choose.

Learning Outcomes:
Identify up to three accessible health promotion/health behavior theories that can be applied to improve the efficacy of student well-being work on campus.
Examine their current campus efforts for potential unintended harmful side effects such as reactance, message rejection, furthering racism, victim-blaming, and/or erasure.
Apply *one* theory to *one* existing or future part of student well-being work on their home campus.

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