From Student Worker to Full Time Professional: Crafting Impactful Student Positions – General Interest Session
About the event
Virtual NASPA Session 2024
Monique Taylor, Assistant Director, Outreach & Communications
University of Washington Bothell
Student employment is a key part of the college experience. Students have long relied on campus positions for basic needs assistance and work experience. However, the ongoing global pandemic has made student employment much more complicated. The presenter will discuss how the School of Interdisciplinary Arts & Sciences at UW Bothell successfully developed an impactful student position amidst uncertainty. Through reflection and group discussion, the attendees will be invited to explore innovative approaches to student positions for a new world.
Learning Outcomes:
Develop an understanding of the relationship between college student employment and student success
Become familiar with current employment trends and projections nationwide
Leave with a framework for developing student positions that are responsive to the current environment