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Global Campus UFIT 4.0

About the event

U-Fit 4.0 is a free 9 week exercise program tailored to WSU Global Campus students, designed to improve fitness and your grades!  Students participate by using any location to complete our U-Fit 4.0 workout, or their own workout program.  Best of all, two participants will receive scholarships given by ASWSU Global.

How to Qualify to Win a Scholarship: 

  1. Register on the ASWSU Global page on CougSync (must be currently enrolled as a WSU Global Campus undergrad or grad student).  Note, OMBA and EMBA students are not eligible to register.
    ◦Registration Opens 12/17/2017
    ◦Registration Closes 2/4/2018
  2. Be active at least 2 times per week for 6 of the 9 weeks. You can complete the U-Fit 4.0 Workout plans we’ve posted or you can do your own workout.
  3. To receive credit for working out you will need to fill out and send back a weekly survey that will be emailed to you.
  4. Submit a short essay to ASWSU Global on CougSync (link coming soon) describing how this program improved your wellbeing by April 1.


University Recreation