Katsura Sunshine performs Rakugo: Japanese “Sit-Down Comedy” in English
About the event
Rakugo is a 400-year-old tradition of comic storytelling in Japan. A minimalistic performance art, Rakugo features a lone storyteller dressed in kimono, kneeling on a cushion, who, using only a fan and a hand towel for props.
Canadian Katsura Sunshine is the first-ever Western Rakugo storyteller in the history of the “Kamigata” Rakugo tradition based in Osaka, Japan. Katsura Sunshine served a strict apprenticeship under well-known Rakugo Master Katsura Bunshi VI.
Come out to laugh and appreciate the Japanese ancient performing art in English!
Admission is FREE and open to the public.
TIME: 5:30 to 6:45 p.m. (Doors open at 5 pm.)
LOCATION: Jones Theatre (Daggy Hall)
Sponsored by Department of Foreign Languages and Cultures, College of Arts and Sciences, Asia Studies, International Center, and the Japan Foundation.