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Physics & Astronomy Colloquium – Dr. Mark Kuzyk

About the event

The Department of Physics and Astronomy invites you to a colloquium featuring Dr. Mark Kuzyk, Department of Physics & Astronomy at Washington State University. Dr. Kuzyk will present his talk, “Smart Light-Actuated Optical Fibers as the Basis for Intelligent Morphing Materials” Tuesday, November 28 at 4:10 pm in Webster 17.

Meet for refreshments before the lecture at 3:45 – 4:10pm in the foyer on floor G above the lecture hall.


Title: “Smart Light-Actuated Optical Fibers as the Basis for Intelligent Morphing Materials”

Abstract:  The transistor, when brought together with others in a miniaturized integrated circuit, is the basis for the technological revolution that continues to the present day.  Electrical devices fall into five classes that provide (1) power (batteries, power supplies, solar cells) (2) transmission (radio, wires and printed circuit boards), (3) control of current/logic (transistors), (4) actuation (motors and piezoelectrics), and (5) sensors (motion, temperature, pressure).  The optical analogs of these device classes have been demonstrated, including laser light sources, free space and fiber-optic transmission systems, optical phase modulation and switching, light-induced morphing materials, and gravity/strain/aceleration sensors.  While all of these device classes have been demonstrated using optics, light-induced material deformation-based devices are still far from being a technology.  I will talk about our work in studying the photomechanical effect in polymer optical fibers, the principles of the Photomechanical Optical Device (POD) — which contains all device classes in one physical point, and methods for integrating them to enable the next technological revolution that takes advantage of the photon’s many advantages over the electron.