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Thursday, December 1 @4 pm
Boeing Speaker Series: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Careers / Jobs

The Boeing guest speaker will discuss the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace by sharing lessons learned along their career journey while living and working in four countries, nine cities, at multiple companies, and on lots of airplanes.

Tuesday, December 13 @9 am
WSU Pullman Town Hall – Virtual

After completing an internal restructuring as part of the OneWSU initiative, WSU is in a unique and unprecedented position. The university system is poised for success in critical areas of fundraising and legislative engagement, but what does this mean for WSU Pullman? What can Pullman Cougs expect out of the coming year?

Tuesday, December 13 @4 pm
WSU Pullman Town Hall – Virtual

After completing an internal restructuring as part of the OneWSU initiative, WSU is in a unique and unprecedented position. The university system is poised for success in critical areas of fundraising and legislative engagement, but what does this mean for WSU Pullman? What can Pullman Cougs expect out of the coming year?

Wednesday, December 14 @12 pm
WSU Pullman Town Hall – Virtual

After completing an internal restructuring as part of the OneWSU initiative, WSU is in a unique and unprecedented position. The university system is poised for success in critical areas of fundraising and legislative engagement, but what does this mean for WSU Pullman? What can Pullman Cougs expect out of the coming year?

Wednesday, December 14 @5 pm
Agility Dog Health Network: Webinar Series 6 of 6
Class / Instruction

What are the unique veterinary needs of the competitor who travels extensively across the US or across the world to compete in agility and how can you, as their veterinarian, contribute to a safe travel plan? What are appropriate recommendations to prepare for travel via air or land with dogs of all sizes? How do you maintain biosecurity and infection control in diverse geographic areas? Is it appropriate to prescribe drugs such as metronidazole or carprofen “just in case” they’re needed?