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Friday, July 6 @7 pm
WSU Planetarium: Hubblevision
Sloan Hall

Hubble Space Telescope’s dazzling images are known around the world, but its scientific legacy is even more amazing. This mixed-bag tour shows you the locations on the sky of some of the most recognizable HST images, reviews the history of HST, and charts the science legacy of this mind-expanding robotic,…

Sunday, July 8 @5 pm
WSU Planetarium: Hubblevision
Sloan Hall

Hubble Space Telescope’s dazzling images are known around the world, but its scientific legacy is even more amazing. This tour shows you the locations on the sky of some of the most recognizable HST images and reviews the history of HST.

Sunday, July 22 @5 pm
WSU Planetarium: Magnificent Desolation
Sloan Hall

This presentation focuses on the exploration of the moon. The amazing history of the Apollo program interweaves with the science of this familiar yet enigmatic natural satellite.

Tickets at the door are $5 (cash or check, no credit). Children 6 and under free. The WSU Planetarium is located in 231…

Friday, July 27 @8 pm
Nunsense II: The Second Coming
Bryan Hall

The sisters are back presenting a “thank-you” show for all the people who supported them in the past. But now, they’re a bit slicker, having been “bitten by the theater bug.” Things get to off to a rousing start as the sisters sing Nunsense, the Magic Word, but before long, chaos erupts.

Saturday, July 28 @8 pm
Nunsense II: The Second Coming
Bryan Hall

The sisters are back presenting a “thank-you” show for all the people who supported them in the past. But now, they’re a bit slicker, having been “bitten by the theater bug.” Things get to off to a rousing start as the sisters sing Nunsense, the Magic Word, but before long, chaos erupts.

Sunday, July 29 @2 pm
Nunsense II: The Second Coming
Bryan Hall

The sisters are back presenting a “thank-you” show for all the people who supported them in the past. But now, they’re a bit slicker, having been “bitten by the theater bug.” Things get to off to a rousing start as the sisters sing Nunsense, the Magic Word, but before long, chaos erupts.