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Thursday, December 1 @4 pm
Boeing Speaker Series: Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
Careers / Jobs

The Boeing guest speaker will discuss the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace by sharing lessons learned along their career journey while living and working in four countries, nine cities, at multiple companies, and on lots of airplanes.

Saturday, December 10 @10 am
Fall 2022 Commencement Ceremony
Ceremony / Service
Beasley Coliseum

The Commencement ceremony lets you share the excitement and importance of academic accomplishments with peers, family, and friends. Congratulations Class of 2022 Cougs! WSU is proud to recognize you among its alumni.

Monday, December 19 @11:30 am
PACCAR/Kenworth Technical Center Industry Tour
Careers / Jobs
Off Campus

Join PACCAR/Kenworth leadership and engineers on the December 19 winter break tour of the company’s Renton, WA, Kenworth Truck Factory and PACCAR Parts facility. Lunch will be provided. Students will need to provide their own transportation to Renton, WA.