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Friday, September 2 @4:10 pm
Physical Chemistry Seminar – Kenta Oka, PhD Student
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Fulmer Hall

Speaker: Kenta Oka, Ph.D. graduate student from the University of Tokyo  (visiting Prof. Choong-Shik Yoo’s laboratory, Institute for Shock Physics)

Title: Melting in the Fe-FeO system to 204 GPa: Implications for oxygen in Earth’s core

Abstract: Constraining the composition of the Earth’s core is essential for understanding…

Monday, September 12 @4:10 pm
Chemistry Departmental Seminar — Prof. Sarah Finkeldei, University of California, Irvine
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Fulmer Hall

he ongoing decarbonization efforts in the United States require a combination of various energy technologies with a low carbon foot print, including nuclear energy. A summary of recent progress in nuclear materials chemistry involved in the synthesis and performance of advanced nuclear fuels, as well as their disposal to increase the safety and efficiency of the nuclear energy sector will be presented. Utilization of wet-chemical, innovative synthesis approaches in combination with a wide range of characterization tools, facilitate a better understanding of the structure-property relationships of advanced nuclear fuel and its waste forms.

Monday, September 26 @4:10 pm
Chemistry Departmental Seminar — Prof. Karah Knope, Georgetown University
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Fulmer Hall

Structural chemistry has played an important role in our understanding of the chemical and physical behavior of the heavy elements. Yet our understanding of the chemistry, bonding, and reactivity of actinide complexes and clusters still lags behind that of the rest of the Periodic Table. This lack of structural and chemical information has led to large discrepancies in thermodynamic data, significant challenges in process chemistry, and the unexpected mobility of heavy elements in the environment.

Friday, September 30 @3 pm
Chemistry Proposal Defense — Fatima Obe, Chemistry Graduate Student
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Fulmer Hall

Title: Digital Tandem Mass Filters for Native Spray Analysis of Proteins and Protein Complexes

Abstract: Proteins and their complexes are an extremely important class of macromolecules that are involved in almost all functional roles needed to sustain life.1,2 Be it as digestive enzymes helping to facilitate chemical reactions,…