In addition to exciting updates about the system, this town hall will provide a unique opportunity for the WSU community to engage in Q&A with university leadership. WSU Spokane students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit their questions in advance and participate in the discussion.
Office of the President
October 2023
Join WGSS and the LGBTQ+ Center on Wednesday, October 11, for InQueery 2023–“After the Tipping Point: Trans Histories & Archives.” The symposium will feature student presentations and Associate Professor Dr. Hil Malatino (Pennsylvania State University), whose keynote is entitled “Pure Potential: Reed Erickson and the Trans Twentieth Century.”
The Department of English at WSU invites you to its Fall 2023 Webinar titled “Killjoys at Work” by renowned scholar of queer, feminist, and critical race studies Dr. Sara Ahmed. This webinar is sponsored by the David G. Pollart Center for Arts and Humanities (CAH).
This webinar is open to anyone, but is targeted to students, to share information about the WSU Policy Prohibiting Discrimination and Harassment. The webinar will define prohibited behaviors, demonstrate how to report misconduct, and provide detailed information about WSU’s grievance procedures.
WSU President Kirk Schulz and Chancellor Mel Netzhammer will provide a brief update and answer questions.
The town hall is open to inquiries on a broad range of subjects, which include but are not limited to:
– Academic programs and curriculum
– Diversity, equity and inclusion efforts
– University finances
– Strategic planning and future initiatives
– Cougar Athletics
To submit a question in advance, complete the online form.
Reception to follow in Dengerink Administration Building, Rooms 129 and 130.
In addition to exciting updates about the system, this town hall will provide a unique opportunity for the WSU community to engage in Q&A with university leadership. WSU Global students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit their questions in advance and participate in the discussion.
In addition to exciting updates about the system, this town hall will provide a unique opportunity for the WSU community to engage in Q&A with university leadership. WSU Tri-Cities students, faculty, and staff are invited to submit their questions in advance and participate in the discussion.