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Monday, October 7 @12 pm
VCEA DEI Reading Group
WSU Pullman - Avery Hall

Join the VCEA Diversity Leadership Council for pizza and a discussion of “Working toward more equitable team dynamics”.

Wednesday, October 9 @12:10 pm
Byte-Sized Learning: AI’s Impact on the Clinical Experience
Workshop / Seminar
Online - Animal Disease Biotech Facility (ADBF)

The second of three panel discussions delving into the evolving role of AI in higher education. “Byte-Sized Learning: AI’s Impact on the Classroom Experience,” presented by Liam Broughton-Neiswanger, Hannah Cohen, Sarah Guess.

Thursday, October 17 @12:10 pm
Artificial Intelligence and Elementary Science Teaching and Learning
WSU Pullman - Online

Please join us for a COE Research Conversation on Thursday, October 17th from 12:10 to 1:00 pm with Dr. Tingting Li. These engaging discussions feature research by COE faculty from a variety of departments.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming the ways that science is taught and learned. Dr. Li will share insights from her research on AI-enhanced elementary science teaching and learning, drawing from several recent projects.

Tingting Li is an Assistant Professor of Science Education at the WSU College of Education. She received her PhD from Michigan State University in Educational Psychology and Educational Technology and a second PhD in Curriculum and Instruction from Northeast Normal University. Her research explores the underlying complex learning process of building usable knowledge and how student engagement interacts with this process by leveraging state-of-the-art technologies such as AI. She designs learning environments and assessments that support students’ usable knowledge building as well as their psychological well-being (e.g., engagement, social and emotional learning).

Thursday, October 31 @12:10 pm
Panel Discussion: Optimizing Teaching with House Officers
Workshop / Seminar
Online - Animal Disease Biotech Facility (ADBF)

The College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Academy presents a Summer Seminar with a panel discussion especially intended for new faculty.