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Tuesday, November 7 @10 am
Keynote Event: Social Learning Leadership
Online - Compton Union Building

Social learning leaders are working to bring people together to learn from each other across boundaries, with the goal of building more interconnected, inclusive, and resilient partnerships and communities. The goal is to create rich and interconnected systems that are building pathways for integration and collaboration.

Tuesday, November 7 @12:10 pm
School of Molecular Biosciences Graduate Student Seminars
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Biotechnology Life Sciences

Title: “Understanding Mammalian Embryogenesis Through Characterization of the Transcription Factor Ankrd49”
Presenter: Julie Park
Advisor: Dr. Jon Oatley

Tuesday, November 14 @12:10 pm
School of Molecular Biosciences Graduate Student Seminars
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Biotechnology Life Sciences

“Core binding factor subunit β Plays Diverse and Essential Roles in the Male Germline,” presented by Mustika Rahmawati. Advisor: Dr. Nathan Law.

Thursday, November 16 @1 pm
Note Taking and Annotation
Online - Online

Make the most of your research by annotating your work and practicing effective note taking. In this workshop, learn how to manage your resources to learn the material, and find new strategies to spend more time understanding your work.

Thursday, November 16 @3:30 pm
Advances in Immunology and Microbiology Seminar Series: Kelly Deobald
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Bustad Hall

“Investigating the role of merocytophagy in the immune response to Francisella tularensis infection,” presented by Kelly Deobald, PhD Candidate, Kawula Lab, Paul G. Allen School for Global Health.

Tuesday, November 28 @11:10 pm
School of Molecular Biosciences Graduate Student Seminars
Workshop / Seminar
Online - Biotechnology Life Sciences

“Development of an In Vivo Break Double-Strand Break Repair System in the Hyperthermophilic Acidophile Saccharolobus solfataricus to Elucidate DNA Damage Repair in Archaea,” presented by Brianne Jones. Advisor: Dr. Cynthia Haseltine.
“Investigating the Influences of Mitochondrial Stress and Lipids on DGLA-Induced Ferroptosis in C. elegans,” presented by Jimena Ruiz. Advisor: Dr. Jennifer Watts.