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Friday, August 2 @9 am
Summer Undergraduate Research Symposium
Conference / Symposium
WSU Pullman - Center for Undergraduate Education (CUE)

On the final day of the 2024 WSU-hosted Summer Undergraduate Research program, students from universities across the country–including WSU–will share their mentored summer research results at a poster event.

Thursday, August 22 @12:10 pm
School of Molecular Biosciences Faculty Seminar Series
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Biotechnology Life Sciences

“Making Models & More in the Animal Production Core,” presented by Dr. Miranda Berndardt, Assistant Research Professor, Director, Animal Production Core, Center for Reproductive Biology. Host: Dr. Michael Konkel.

Tuesday, August 27 @12:10 pm
School of Molecular Biosciences Graduate Student Seminars
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Biotechnology Life Sciences

“A GREB1-steroid receptor feedforward mechanism governs differential GREB1 action in endometrial function and endometriosis,” presented by Fan Liu, Graduate student.

Thursday, August 29 @3:30 pm
Advances in Immunology and Microbiology Seminar Series: Dr. Aspen Workman
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Veterinary and Biomedical Research Building

“First Gene-Edited Calf with Reduced Genetic Susceptibility to Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus,” presented by Dr. Aspen Workman, USDA-ARS US Meat Animal Research Center: Clay Center, Nebraska. Host: Arden Baylink, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology

Friday, August 30 @12:10 pm
Integrative Physiology and Neuroscience Seminar Series
Workshop / Seminar
Online - Veterinary and Biomedical Research Building

“Beyond the High: Thalamic Mechanisms of Heroin Withdrawal and Relapse,” presented by Allison Jensen, graduate student; Advisor: Dr. Giuseppe Giannotti.