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12:10 pm
Physics & Astronomy Colloquium – Dr. Matthew Duez
WSU Pullman - Webster Physical Science Building

The Department of Physics and Astronomy invites you to a colloquium featuring Matt Duez, Associate Professor, Washington State University. Dr. Duez’s talk, “Extremes of Physics in Black Hole-Neutron Star Mergers” will be held Thursday, September 5th, at 12:10 pm in Webster 11.

1 pm
Presidential Search: WSU Vancouver Faculty & Staff Listening Session
WSU Vancouver - Dengerink Administration Building - WSU Vancouver

Hosted by executive search firm Isaacson, Miller, and members of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, this listening session will further inform the leadership profile that will help guide the search for WSU’s next president.

2:30 pm
Presidential Search: WSU Vancouver Student Listening Session
WSU Vancouver - Dengerink Administration Building - WSU Vancouver

Hosted by executive search firm Isaacson, Miller, and members of the Presidential Search Advisory Committee, this listening session will further inform the leadership profile that will help guide the search for WSU’s next president.

3:30 pm
Advances in Immunology and Microbiology Seminar Series: Jeff Abbott
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Veterinary and Biomedical Research Building

Title TBA presented by Dr. Jeff Abbott, Associate Professor, Veterinary Microbiology & Pathology, WSU. Host: Arden Baylink, Assistant Professor, Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology

4 pm
2024 WSU Jones Milestone Accelerator Pitch Demo
WSU Pullman - Elson S. Floyd Cultural Center

Get ready for the big event that culminates our 2024 Jones Milestone Accelerator program and gives you the chance to meet the young entrepreneurs with tomorrow’s game-changing startups.

6 pm
ASWSUG Executive Board Meeting
Online - Online

The Executive Board cordially invites students to attend our weekly executive meeting. Learn more about what your student government is working on and score ASWSUG swag just by attending!