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Workshop / Seminar

ACM Workshop on “Building Applications with Generative AI”

The room will be announced later to registered participants.
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NiL Register

About the event

We are excited to announce that the ACM Chapter is hosting a workshop titled “Building Applications with Generative AI.” This interactive session will offer participants an opportunity to explore the principles, techniques, and real-world applications of Generative AI in an engaging and hands-on way.


Workshop Agenda:

  • Introduction to Generative AI Principles
  • Utilizing Large Language Model (LLM) APIs
  • Building Applications for Translation, Summarization, and Text-to-Speech
  • Object Identification from Images using LLMs
  • Developing Full-Fledged LLM Applications
  • Discussion on Potential Projects and Opportunities
The workshop will focus on practical, hands-on experiences with Hugging Face’s Large Language Models, equipping participants with the skills to build AI-powered applications.
No prerequisites are required. This session is open to everyone, regardless of background or experience level, so anyone interested in AI is welcome to join!
Session Details:
Registration Information:
If you are interested in attending, please register by September 19th by using the above link to help us make the necessary arrangements. The venue will be announced to registered participants by September 20th.
Additional Information:
Food will be served after the workshop, so stick around to enjoy some food and network with your peers!
We’d also appreciate it if you could share this information with your friends and help spread the word.
Whether you’re new to AI or have prior experience, this workshop will provide valuable insights and skills applicable across a variety of fields. There’s something here for everyone to learn and explore.
We look forward to seeing you at the workshop!
