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Boeing Speaker Series – Goal Trees

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About the event

Have you ever wondered how to proceed with an idea, or what to do to get there? Or been part of a team which just can’t seem to find direction? Constant conflict, arguing over the purpose and/or next steps? A common challenge in all these scenarios is an unclear, and unshared, perspective on the desired end state, and what is required to create or improve it.

The Goal Tree, as part of the Theory of Constraints Logical Thinking Process, is specifically meant to help individuals, teams, and organizations figure out what they want and what must be true for that reality to exist. Personal plans, problem/opportunity analysis, and organizational focus can all benefit from a well-constructed Goal Tree. This session introduces the concepts, elements, and application of this valuable and high-impact tool.

Speaker Bio: Russ Field is a Business Process Analyst for Boeing Commercial Airplanes. He is a former Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) facilitator and team leader, Statistical Process Control analyst, and instructor on integrating ERP/MRP systems with Lean Manufacturing techniques. Russ is experienced with facilitating cross-functional technical teams, helping them achieve focus and alignment in pursuing consensus-based solutions. He has taught, lectured, and consulted internationally, and has been a featured speaker at various North American functions including APICS chapter meetings, Project World, and IIE Conferences.


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