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Workshop / Seminar

CySER Summer Workshop 2024 Day 5

Todd Hall
Depart Todd Hall at 8 AM. Return to Todd Hall at 6 PM.
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Detailed schedule and connection info on the CySER website

About the event

The CySER Summer Workshop 2024 will be be held from May 20 to 29, 2024 on the WSU Pullman campus. The workshop will feature a wide variety of presentations, tutorials and hands-on experiential learning activities on a range of cybersecurity topics. The workshop will also include three field trips: a full-day trip to Pacific Northwest National Labs in Richland,  a half-day trip to Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories (SEL) in Pullman, and a half-day trip to Fairchild Air Force Base outside Spokane. The workshop is in-person with an option for people to participate virtually. Presentations occur in Todd Hall 203 and the poster session, certificate ceremony, and a teambuilding session will be in Spark G10. Slides, related material, and recordings of all sessions will be made available on the CySER website.

Day 5: Friday, May 24

  • 8:00 AM – 6:00 PM: Field Trip to Pacific Northwest National Laboratory


For more details about the CySER program, please visit

For details and the complete schedule of the summer workshop, please visit


James Crabb