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Workshop / Seminar

Faculty-Led Workshop: Teaching Fellows Panel

About the event

Faculty and instructors: Are you thinking about applying for the Teaching Fellowship?  Applications and information are available here. Applications will open in January and close March 1, 2018.

In this panel you will hear from the inaugural class of Teaching Fellows, about the type of research and opportunities the fellowship has funded as you consider whether or not applying for this program may be right for you.

Current WSU Teaching Fellows

  • Clif Stratton, Clinical Assistant Faculty, History & Assistant Director of the Roots Contemporary Issues Program and representing the Roots faculty.
  • Jeff Sanders, Associate Professor of History
  • Gretchen Rollwagen-Bollens, Clinical Professor, School of the Environment & School of Biological Sciences (Vancouver)
  • Erica Offerdahl, Associate Professor, School of Molecular Biosciences

Sign-up for Teaching Fellows Panel

This workshop is sponsored by the Office of the Provost and Academic Outreach and Innovation (AOI). Visit for the full schedule of workshops and professional development opportunities.