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Physics & Astronomy Colloquium – Dr. Brian Saam

Webster Physical Science Building, Pullman, WA 99163
Webster B16
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About the event

The Department of Physics and Astronomy invites you to a colloquium featuring Brian Saam, Professor and Chair, Washington State University. Dr. Saam’s talk, “State of the Department” will be held Thursday, August 22, at 12:10 pm in Webster 11.

Please meet our guest speaker and share in refreshments 11:45 a.m. -12:10 p.m. in the foyer on floor G above the lecture hall.

Zoom available for those unable to attend in person.

The whole department–faculty, staff, students, and anyone

else sharing in our common mission and purpose–is invited to help

kick-off the new academic year with the department chair’s annual

report and charge for the coming year. This wjll not be a technical

physics/astronomy colloquium but rather a review of the past year’s

highlights, an introduction to new members of the department, and

a brief statement of the chair’s outlook for the coming academic

year and beyond. As always, there will be time for questions,

concerns, and heckling.


Jann Dahmen-Morbeck
(509) 335-1698