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Tuesday, August 1 @9 am
The Microstress Effect: How Little Things Pile Up and Create Big Problems–and What to Do About It

In this enlightening webinar, bestselling author and leadership expert Rob Cross will point to new and original research to describe the recent phenomenon perpetuating this ongoing crisis of well-being—microstress. Unlike stress, which is often driven by one big thing, microstress is a relentless accumulation of small, often unnoticed stresses—that infiltrate both our work and personal lives—and come not from one single antagonist, such as a demanding client or micromanaging boss, but from the people we are closest to our friends, family, and colleagues.

Thursday, August 10 @9 am
How Working Mothers Can Thrive–And Not Just Survive

Are you feeling stressed at work and home because you’re a hard-working mother with kids? Welcome to a crowded club! For the first time in American history, a significant number of mothers are heading major corporations and have made gains throughout executive suites. Yet these “Power Moms” still struggle to balance their management responsibilities while raising children. But don’t despair! Without drowning in working mother guilt, you can flourish on both fronts in the post-pandemic world. In this enlightening webinar, Joann S. Lublin, author, and award-winning journalist will offer various coping tactics based on her book, Power Moms: How Executive Mothers Navigate Work and Life.

Thursday, August 17 @9 am
How to Establish Your Personal Brand to Drive Success

In this motivating webinar Aliza Licht will give you a crash course in establishing an effective personal brand at work and beyond. You will learn why shaping your narrative and providing value to those around you will yield the greatest success. Licht will help you discover your brand: who you already are, who you want to be, and how to ensure others see you that way.

Saturday, August 19 @8 am
#CougsRide Peloton Event

Gather with WSU friends for a #CougsRide Peloton bike ride. Pacific! Hop on your Peloton bike and get ready to ride with fellow Cougs.

Saturday, August 26 @7:30 am
#CougsRun Peloton Event

Join Cougs from around the country (or even the world) for #CougsRun outdoor Peloton events! Use these monthly runs as preparation for upcoming races, recovery runs, or a reason to do an extra run with fellow Cougs. These scheduled outdoor runs will be 30-45 minutes–plenty of time to high-five all of the other Coug runners participating!

Tuesday, August 29 @3 pm
Faculty Notification Letter Workshop: Understanding Student Accommodations

WSU Pullman Access Center is facilitating a virtual workshop to help faculty understand notification letters received when a student requests their accommodations. Learn more about the steps you can take to provide successful accommodations to Cougs. This workshop will provide a general overview our of faculty notification letter.