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Friday, November 3 @10 am
Advocacy 101
Spokane Academic Center - WSU Spokane

Health Equity Circle is hosting “Advocacy 101” with the Washiongton Physicians for Social Responsibility (WPSR). Staff and experienced volunteer advocates from WPSR will share how health professionals have successfully advocated for policies in the past and they will teach various advocacy skills. This event is open to students and community members!

Tuesday, November 7 @10 am
DEIJ Summit: Being a Student-Ready Campus
Conference / Symposium

This two-hour summit provides time for all WSU community members to learn more about what it means to be a student-ready campus. Rather than focusing primarily on whether students are college-ready, institutions are becoming student-ready by changing policies, processes, and practices to better serve students and reduce barriers to success.

Wednesday, November 8 @12 pm
Preparing for Tribal Engagement in Research

Genuine tribal engagement and collaborative research with Tribal partners requires preparation. This includes familiarizing oneself with the academic literature on Indigenous Research Methods, with existing work and tribal needs, with tribal and university research policies, and more. Dr. Ken Lokensgard, Co-Director of the Center for Native American Research & Collaborations (Native American Programs/Tribal Relations) will provide an overview of the things you should consider before submitting research protocols, requests for letters of support/collaboration, and grant proposals that involve working with Tribal partners.

Wednesday, November 8 @12 pm
Chancellor’s Town Hall
WSU Spokane

WSU Spokane faculty and staff are invited to attend a campus town hall gathering on Wednesday, November 8, from 12:00 – 1:00 PM in SAC 147. Hear from Executive Vice President and Chancellor Daryll DeWald, who will share updates on campus initiatives, provide insights on current objectives, and discuss growth opportunities. Participants are encouraged to submit their questions in advance.

Wednesday, November 8 @5:15 pm
Parent and Supporter Study Abroad Info Session

Is your student interested in studying abroad while they’re a Coug? Come to our virtual info session to learn more about the study abroad process and how you can help them prepare!