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12:10 pm
Overview of the Access Center & Student Accommodations
Workshop / Seminar
Online - Animal Disease Biotech Facility (ADBF)

Understanding the process can be very helpful to instructors and help ensure that accommodations are reasonable and appropriate, which is in everyone’s best interest.

12:10 pm
School of Molecular Biosciences Graduate Student Seminars
Workshop / Seminar
Online - Biotechnology Life Sciences

“Left1 Overexpression Maintains Youthfulness of Two Distinct Fibroblast Lineages,” presented by Jasson Makker. Advisor: Dr. Jon Oatley.
“Manipulation of TNFα Signaling by Coxiella burnetii,” presented by Chelsea Osbron. Advisor: Dr. Alan Goodman.

1:30 pm
Guided Discussion and Celebration With Artist Jeffrey Gibson
WSU Pullman - Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art

Join us 9/19, for an enriching afternoon of cultural exchange with artist Jeffrey Gibson. Starting at 1:30 p.m., engage in a guided discussion exploring identity through choices of adornment. This conversation, moderated by Michael Holloman, Associate Professor with the Department of Art at WSU, offers unique insights. Special guests include Nakia Williamson-Cloud, Cultural Resources Program Director of the Nimíipuu tribe.

6 pm
Conducting Independent Research as a Global Campus Student
Online - WSU System-wide

Hear from the Director of the Office of Undergraduate Research (Dr. Jeremy Lessmann) and the Director of the Online Psychology Degree Program (Dr. Lee Daffin) who ALSO mentors Global campus undergraduates in research.

6 pm
BP Information Session (with pizza)
Careers / Jobs
WSU Pullman - Engineering Teaching Research Laboratory (ETRL)

Join Rick Johnson to learn about career and internship opportunities with BP. CHE, ME/MSE, EE, and business majors are encouraged to attend. Pizza will also be provided following the presentation!