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Workshop / Seminar

ASWSUG Empowerall Workshop: Power & Privilege

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About the event

ASWSUG Empowerall Workshop: Power & Privilege

Tuesday, September 17th at 4:00 – 5:00  PM PT

Did you know WSU Global Campus has a DEI certificate? For an opportunity to earn the EmpowerALL certificate, attend our first workshop of the year where we will focus on “Power & Privilege” hosted by ASWSUG Director of Diversity, Amber and Student Diversity Ambassador, Shawna! We will discuss how to connect our identities to privilege while seeing how privilege impacts our society at our “Power & Privilege” workshop on Tuesday, September 17th, at 4:00 pm. We will focus on the importance of privilege and how it coincides with oppression. ONE S&A fee-paying student will win Coug Swag for attending!

This event is open to all WSU students, staff, faculty, and alumni. (Only WSU Global Campus S&A fee-paying students will be eligible for free swag given away during the event.)

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Amber Heinemann - Director of Diversity