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Greetings from Vermont! The Frontier of Grid Transformation

Electrical and Mechanical Engineering Building
EME 26 ~ ESIC Conference Room Virtual Option:  Join the meeting

About the event

ESIC-AGI FA24 Power Seminar Series presents: Greetings from Vermont! The Frontier of Grid Transformation by Dan Kopin, Manager of Innovation from Vermont Electric Power Company (VELCO)


As the grid becomes increasingly complex, Transmission Operators must continue to provide reliable transmission service. Vermont Electric Power Company (VELCO) – a NERC-Certified Transmission Operator and ISO New England Local Control Center, is on the front lines of grid transformation. System operators are seeing widespread, weather dependent, reverse power flow onto the transmission system due to over 600 MW (and counting) of inverter-based distributed energy resources (DER), as well as post-contingent tripping of aggregate inverter-based DER in response to transmission-level contingencies. Federal regulators are catching up to the transforming grid: under FERC Order No. 901 Reliability Standards to Address Inverter-Based Resources, VELCO must model the behavior of aggregate inverter-based DER as part of the NERC-required real-time assessment, operational planning analysis, and planning assessment. This presentation will cover VELCO’s plans to provide reliable transmission service through grid transformation.


Dan Kopin is VELCO’s Manager of Innovation. He supports the development and acceleration of innovative initiatives that deliver value to VELCO, its customer owners and Vermont. Dan collaborates nationally and internationally to conceive, nurture and manage use-inspired research that identifies how best to harness new technologies and emerging policies to advance strategic initiatives. Closer to home, Dan also collaborates with leaders across VELCO’s organization to gain operational insights that lead to potentially powerful innovation opportunities.
