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Workshop / Seminar

Innovate and Inspire: Discover ‘How Learning Works’ with Our Learning Community

Animal Disease Biotech Facility (ADBF), 1855 E GRIMES WAY, Pullman, WA 99164
Room 2018/2020 and Zoom
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About the event

Innovate and Inspire: Discover ‘How Learning Works’ with Our Learning Community

Join us for this in-person and Zoom workshop.

PRESENTER: Dr. Steve Lampa, Associate Professor, College of Veterinary Medicine

Dr. Lampa is the course director for VM 511, small animal anatomy, and teaches in VM 512, the large animal veterinary anatomy lab, in year one of the DVM curriculum. The other part of his teaching appointment includes teaching neuroanatomy to Neuroscience undergraduate students and teaching human medical students as the neuroanatomy thread director in the Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine. He dedicated to the craft of teaching and realizes the importance of teaching excellence in both undergraduate and professional curricula and as such is an active member in the college’s Teaching Academy and the Teaching Academy of the Consortium of West Region Colleges of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Lampa is also the director of Worthman-Johnson Veterinary Anatomy Teaching Museum.

College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Academy

The WSU College of Veterinary Medicine Teaching Academy is a scholarly community of educators engaging in teaching and career development. The academy fosters innovative curriculum, teaching, and learning.

Our weekly events are open to all college and WSU faculty, staff, graduate, and professional students.

We also offer educational training and academic career preparation opportunities to graduate students, veterinary residents, and new faculty members across the entire college through workshops, seminars, discussions, and summer programs.


Rachel Halsey