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Careers / Jobs

Pacific Northwest National Lab (PNNL) Information Session

Carpenter Hall
Carpenter 102
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About the event

HaliAnne McGee-Hilbert, information security professional, and Alexis Banasky Moore, research analyst, from PNNL will be on campus to discuss opportunities at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), Richland, WA, a leading center for scientific discovery in chemistry, data analytics, and Earth science, and for technological innovation in sustainable energy and national security, along with opportunities with the Institute for Nuclear Materials Management (INMM), a nonprofit technical organization with worldwide membership of engineers, scientists, technicians, managers, policymakers, analysts, commercial vendors, educators, and students. They are looking forward to sharing their experiences in the field of nonproliferation, arms control, and national security.

Join them on November 15, 4:15-5:30 pm, to have a slice (or two) of PIZZA and hot chocolate and find out more about this exciting mission space. Discover how you can get involved with INMM or learn why PNNL might be the perfect place for you to jump start your career.

Recommended majors: STEM including Engineering, Computer Science, and Data Analytics
