PDI Event: Writing the Conclusion for a Research Article – A Graduate Writing Center Collaboration
About the event
This event is free for graduate and undergraduate students, as well as for faculty and staff!
Event offered via Zoom-only. A Zoom link will be provided the day before the event.
How do you write a conclusion that’s not repeating the introduction but complementing it—by being uniquely theoretical, integrated with the field, and connected to the real world and practical applications? This workshop mirrors the Writing Introductions workshop from Fall semester with a close reading of sample conclusions to identify rhetorical and organizational writing “moves” you can make for an effective conclusion. The workshop will also emphasize appropriate phrases to generalize your study’s findings and contextualize your study’s limitations. Participants must come to the workshop with (at least) one published article they admire from a research journal relevant to their field; this published article will be used as a model.