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Monday, November 8 @3:10 pm
CySER Virtual Seminar — Matthew Boehnke, Columbia Basin College
Workshop / Seminar

CySER is a WSU-led consortium of five institutions in the Northwest established to train the next generation of military and national defense-aligned civilian workforce in cybersecurity. The other four partner institutions in CySER are: Montana State University, University of Idaho, Columbia Basin College (CBC), and Central Washington University.

Monday, November 29 @3:10 pm
CySER Virtual Seminar — Clemente Izurieta, Montana State University
Workshop / Seminar
WSU Pullman - Online

The advancement of cyber adversaries has led to increased frequency and complexity of cyber-attacks on everything from U.S. military systems to the U.S. voting infrastructure. By the end of 2021 it’s expected that 3.5 million cyber security positions will be unfilled and there is great need to automate cyber security as completely as possible. Hierarchical Software Quality Assurance (HQA) is a proposed defense mechanism that protects systems along the supply, build and development paths by allowing cyber warriors to deploy quality gates that filter potential threats by leveraging existing investments in tools and infrastructure.