Escape the academic grind, engage in thought-provoking discussion, and earn credit towards your EmpowerALL certification by joining our student-led book club. We will meet on Wednesday, October 2nd from 5:00-6:00 PM to discuss October’s book choice: “Cemetery Boys” by Aiden Thomas. The first five S&A fee-paying global students to register by September 6th will receive a FREE hard copy of the book.
Student Event
October 2024
Calling all Coug fans – start your football weekends on Friday with the Brelsford WSU Visitor Center!
A dynamic, comedic two-woman play featuring God and the Devil. Watch as they come up against life’s biggest existential questions—and the horror of trying to get into Costco without a membership. Two nights only in Daggy Hall!
A dynamic, comedic two-woman play featuring God and the Devil. Watch as they come up against life’s biggest existential questions—and the horror of trying to get into Costco without a membership. Two nights only in Daggy Hall!
The university community is invited to the annual Distinguished Scholarships Celebration Fri., Oct. 25, 2024 from 3:30-5:00 p.m. in the Distinguished Scholars Gallery in the Compton Union Building. Students who received prestigious, nationally competitive awards to support their studies at WSU or abroad will be honored.
Join us for the WSU Student American Veterinary Medical Association’s (SAVMA) Annual 5K Rabies Run, a fundraiser and “zombie run.”
Support the Rabies Free Africa campaign.
The spooky season is almost upon us. You know what that means? Time to RUN!!!
The 5k Rabies Run includes a one-mile section called…