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Clinical Health InterProfessional Scholarship (CHIPS) Mini-course

Registration is Open!

About the event

This half-day, virtual, interactive activity is geared toward educators in clinical health profession programs of all levels who wish to further develop fundamental educational scholarship skills necessary to succeed as a clinical health educator.

In this virtual Mini-Course, participants will:

  • Create a plan for medical education scholarship
  • Use statistical methods in evaluating educational interventions
  • Collaborate with colleagues to enhance opportunities to increase education scholarship
CHIPS Mini-Course Description

The educational scholarship section activities will include brainstorming on the various activities participants can become involved with, identifying personal and institutional barriers in conducting medical education scholarship, identifying resources and strategies for success in education scholarship, networking to share ideas and build potential collaborations, and developing an individual plan for future scholarship. Participants will complete an activity to allow reflection on personal barriers to scholarship and strategies to overcome these barriers.

The statistical methods section will provide guidelines that educators can use to determine the appropriate statistical analyses to use when performing their own educational research and how to interpret results. Participants will engage in guided practice using the techniques learned. Flow diagrams will be provided that illustrate how to choose a test and how that test was used in a published educational intervention. Attendees will work through sample data provided. No prior statistical knowledge is needed.

Learning Objectives:

By the end of the session, participants will:

  1. Describe three ways to enhance their scholarly work in medical education
  2. Demonstrate strategies they can use in developing one piece of educational scholarship, focusing on approaches to overcome forseen barriers
  3. Analyze educational scholarship with real data using a 4-step approach to choosing a statistical test
  4. Collaborate with colleagues to enhance opportunities to increase education scholarship
Course Facilitators:

Eva Aagaard, MD, FACP
Professor, Department of Medicine
Carol B & Jerome T Professor of Medical Education
Senior Associate Dean for Education
Vice Chancellor for Medical Education
Washington University School of Medicine

Shobhina G. Chheda, MD, MPH
Associate Dean for Medical Education
Professor, Internal Medicine, and Pediatrics
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Steven Haist, MD, MS, FACP, FCPP
Professor and Associate Dean, Northern Kentucky Campus
University of Kentucky College of Medicine

Donna Windish, MD, MPH
Professor of Medicine (General Medicine)
Director, Advancement of Clinician-Educator Scholarship
Yale University School of Medicine


Jennifer Anderson