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Conference / Symposium

Virtual Mini Summit on AI during WSU Research Week

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About the event

The Artificial Intelligence @ WSU initiative is hosting a virtual mini summit on AI and applications to showcase recent advancements, foster collaborations, and initiate conversations, both within WSU as well as across major institutions in the Pacific Northwest. The summit is a Featured Event of WSU Research Week 2020. It will feature six invited speakers from WSU, the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and Microsoft Research who are leading major AI-related research activities in their own groups and institutions. Topics covered include the interaction of AI and machine learning with mobile health, robotics for agriculture, food security, privacy-preserving spatial AI, systems control, and scientific discovery.

Each presentation will be 10 to 15 minutes long, and will be followed by up to 5 minutes of discussion time. The program is moderated by Assefaw Gebremedhin, associate professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

For more details about the event, visit:
